Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pictographs and More

Today in class we discussed pictographs and how to transfer the information from a tally mark graph to a pictograph. I also stressed that the most important thing of looking at a pictograph is paying attention to the key. The pictures in the pictograph typically represent more than one thing. A * might equal 5 on one graph and 10 on another. Students commonly make the mistake by only counting the stars as one and then they will get the answer wrong.

I was extremely proud of both groups today when we were completing our SOLVE problem. Both groups realized that they needed to both round and add, when they saw the key words "about" and "in all". I cheered for both groups because it is really setting in. We will continue to do one SOLVE problem everyday. This will help the students to review all concepts taught this school year and help them understand how to solve a word problem and look for the key words so that they will know whether to add, subtract, multiply, or divide. There is a SOLVE key word section in the FROG binder. Please let me know if you need another one.

Please remember that the multiplication logs are due on January 10th. The constellation projects are due on January 14th. If your child needs any materials to complete the constellation project, please let me know and I will help provide them.

We will be having PEP conferences soon. I will be sending home the conference sign-up sheets soon. I look forward to meeting with you.

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