Friday, August 24, 2012

It's Rules Day!!

The students did not have any homework today, but they did bring home their agendas with their class rules written inside the front.  Please review through these rules with your child this weekend.

Morning Journal:  It's National Smores Day!  If you could go camping, what would you like to do while camping?  The journals must be at least three sentences.

Writing:  We are continue to work on our imaginative writings.  The students are almost done and they will present these on Monday.

Reading Workshop:  We looked at "Reading As Thinking" and the students read their own books quietly in the classroom.  I gave them a quick assessment on their vocabulary, word fluency, and word recognition.  This data will be used for information purposes only.

Math Workshop:  The students created a graph with information that they gathered from their tables.  They had to look at how many students had "e" in their first name and then put that data in a graph.

Science:  We completed an experiment on the liquid that flows the fastest.  The students went through the scientific process and found that water flows the fastest, then juice, syrup, and soap.

SS:  We created a map key for the state of South Carolina and looked at the cardinal directions.

It has been a great first week and I am so glad that I get to work with your children this year.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are off to an awesome start! Malina is really enjoying it :)
