Report cards came home today!!! Please sign and return them as soon as possible. Contained in your child's report card sleeve is their report card, formative scores for the fall and winter, DIBELS scores for the fall and winter, Gateway letter, and possibly a PEP letter. If you would like to schedule a conference please let me know by writing it on the report card or e-mailing me.
Morning Journal: Why do you think they use a groundhog to predict if we will have six more weeks of winter?
Math: We continued our study of three-dimensional shapes. Today we looked at how many faces, edges, and vertices each three-dimensional shape has on it. A face is a flat surface that does not roll and is where two edges meet, an edge is where two faces meet, and a vertex is where two edges meet. A cylinder and a cone do not have any faces, the flat parts are called bases. Ask your child to show you a face, edge, and vertex on a 3-dimensional shape at your house.
Imagine It: We played our review vocabulary game, found facts and opinions in our story, and finished the main idea and supporting details activity. I explained the main idea as the lock and the support details are the keys that open the lock. We will take our regular Imagine It test tomorrow. The Journey to the Moon is an expository text, therefore, most of the answers are right there! Encourage your child to make the effort to look for the answers in the text.
We did not have science today. Instead, the students watched a video on the history of Groundhog Day and then discussed it as a class. We also began reading our newest Time for Kids which had a very interesting article about the sinking of the ship off the coast of Italy. The students had a lot of really great things to say.
Thursday, February 16th is math night. This is a free event that begins at 5:00pm and ends at 7:00pm. You only need to pay for a meal if you would like to eat at the event. I will send home forms for this tomorrow.
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