Friday, January 27, 2012


This is the word of the day!!! Our SMART Board is fixed!! We started the morning with double specials, went straight to the AR assembly, and finished the day with AR rotations! It was a blast.

Morning Journal: If I were an astronaut I would...

Double Specials: Media and PE

AR Assembly: We paraded down the hallway and showed off our awesome vocabulary. We were recognized for everyone being above 90% correct average and then got to dance our way out of the assembly.

Science: We took our phases of the moon test and got our moon tracking book stapled in our science journals.

AR Rotations: The students got to choose between movie, art, game, and dance rooms and were able to do two rotations and we had a great time. I was in charge of the art room and it looked like a glitter bomb went off in there. The students did a good job of cleaning up the paper, but the glitter was a little more difficult.

I look forward to next week and getting to use the SMART Board again for our lessons.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ways to Help Bullies!

Today's morning meeting was all about ways to help bullies. We discussed the reasons we think people might bully others and how bullies can help themselves to change these behaviors.

Morning Journal: A snowball hit me in the back of the head and I...

Morning Math: We practiced rounding to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000. We looked at solving a problem with a picture and ways to solve a problem once you get stuck.

Math: We reviewed over right, acute, obtuse, equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles. The students created each type of triangle with manipulatives. We also practiced recognizing each type of triangle and some students got to practice on the computer (

Imagine It: We took the test on "The Moon Seems to Change". Everyone then created a moon phases flip book to practice for their test on the moon phases tomorrow.

Science: We took a practice test on drawing and labeling the phases of the moon for tomorrow's test.

The AR assembly is at 10:15 tomorrow. We will have rotations tomorrow afternoon to celebrate their reading accomplishments. Please join us at the AR assembly if you are available tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

If I went to the moon...

Today for our morning journal we wrote about if we took a trip to the moon, what would you do? Most of the students would bounce around and explore and some of them decided they would go moon surfing. Sounds pretty interesting if you ask me.

We took our SS district formative this morning and it only had sixteen questions on it. This test will help me to create lesson plans for my class that is geared towards their needs and the NC Standard Course of Study.

Morning Meeting: Today we discussed lying and how it makes us feel and how we think it effects others when we lie. I will put out an "Issues Can" for the students to put in suggestions on the issues that they think we should discuss in our morning meeting. I am hoping that this will help with the issues that we have going on in our classroom.

Math: Today I introduced the six types of triangles and they are: right triangle: one right angle, acute triangle: one acute angle, obtuse triangle: one obtuse angle, equilateral triangle: all three sides are equal, isosceles triangle: two of the sides are equal, scalene triangle: none of the sides are equal.

Imagine It: We identified cause and effect relationships in our story "The Moon Seems to Change". We also compared and contrasted the different phases of the moon and the sun and moon in a Venn diagram. The students created a moon phase hat to practice for our test on Friday. We will take the Imagine It test tomorrow.

Science: We reviewed over the phases of the moon and the order that they move. The test on the phases of the moon will be on Friday.

AR Assembly is at 10:15 on Friday. Please make sure your child creates their vocabulary hat. I am excited to see all the great words they create.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bullying Behaviors!

I am going to do my regular post about what we do in class each day, but before I go into that I want to describe to you the bullying behaviors we have going on in our classroom. Every day I have students writing each other notes telling each other they are stupid or ugly, cursing each other out (I don't know about you guys, but when I was in third grade I didn't know these words.), they threaten to beat each other up, and steal from each other. I have tried to create a classroom where the students can open up to each other and me, but instead it seems that they have gone the opposite direction. I am going to start a daily classroom meeting, where we talk about all the things that are going on in our classroom and how it is making them feel. I have got to put a stop to all of these bullying behaviors. The problem is that even when Mr. Sid from the Respectability Foundation comes into our classroom, the students are still disrespectful and do not want to listen to the lessons on anti-bullying. Please discuss with your child the importance of being accepting of everyone around them. Bullying is not tolerated in CMS and especially not in my classroom. If your child tells you about a situation where they are being bullied, please encourage them to come and talk to me or you can stop in yourself and speak to me about it. Thank you for your support in this important life lesson.

Morning Journal: What do you do on our days off from school? The morning journal must now be 10 sentences long and I am looking for detailed sentences, not a list.

Morning Math: We reviewed over basic addition and subtraction problems with in/out box patterns. I will review this concept the entire week and we will test on it Friday.

Math: I went over the morning math test and the geometry terms test from last week. I wanted to make sure that the students fully understood these concepts before moving on to types of triangles tomorrow.

Imagine It: I went over the reading formative about Beverly Cleary from last week. I showed them exactly how to find answers in the passage and to eliminate the answers that don't make sense. We finished reading "The Moon Seems to Change" and filled in our moon phases chart. We will have a test on this Friday. We will take our regular Imagine It test on Thursday.

AR: We have set new goals for the third quarter. Ask your child what their new point goal is for the third quarter.

Science: We watched a Bill Nye the Science Guy on the phases of the moon. This video does an excellent job of showing exactly how the moon moves around the Earth and creates the phases. The students wrote ten facts from the video and this will be a science test grade. Please make sure you have them study the moon phases sheet.

The following tests came home today: Morning Math Week 17, reading formative (Beverly Cleary), math test (point, line, line segment, parallel, perpendicular, right, acute, obtuse), heritage project grades.

Friday, January 20, 2012

No Test Came Home!!!

I know many of you are asking, "Where are your tests?" I have the answer to that question. I was unable to get them graded and sent home today, due to meetings that I had to participate in. I will try to get the tests sent home on Tuesday. You should expect your child's: Heritage Project grade, timed multiplication test, morning math test, Geometric Terms test, and reading formative test.

We will have the Science and SS district formative test on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The AR assembly will be on Friday at 10:15 am. We will have our vocabulary walk, with all the students participating. I will send more information about creating your child's vocabulary hat through e-mail.

Yesterday's morning journal was: What do you think about when you are trying to go to sleep?
Today's morning journal was: I wish I had a million... Of course most of the students said, "A MILLION DOLLARS!" They would buy some pretty interesting things with their money. Ask your child what they wanted to get.

Today we took our morning math test and these will be coming home on Tuesday. Please review over any concepts that your child struggled with on this test.

In math, they completed their right, acute, and obtuse angle pictures. They had to explain why these pictures showed each of these type of angles. STUDY THOSE MULTIPLICATION FLASH CARDS!!!! We will have a timed test on Tuesday.

In Imagine It, the students completed a reading formative. This was the last reading formative that I will assist them in unpacking the questions. They need to continue practicing this strategy each week and will also prove their answers in the passage. This is a very important skill on the EOGs.

All but one student made their AR goal!! I am excited for the Vocabulary Parade next Friday at 10:15. I hope to see you there.

In science, we watched a video on the phases of the moon. This is a Bill Nye video, which does an excellent job of describing how the moon phases are created. There will be a new moon in the next couple of days. Ask your child what this means.

NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!! See you Tuesday.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

WAXING or waning?!

I can not for the life of me remember what today's morning was for the students. I will look it up tomorrow and tell you both tomorrows and today's journals. In morning math, we worked on place value, patterns, reading a pictograph, and probability.

During Science lab, the students learned a phases of the moon song. They try to align the science lab curriculum with whatever we are doing in science. This was a great preview to our science lesson today.

In math, we went over last night's homework and the three types of angles. We reviewed right, acute, and obtuse angles. We took our quiz on the geometric terms we have learned and then began looking through magazines for examples of right, acute, and obtuse angles. We are going to paste them on a sheet of paper and describe how the picture shows these angles.

During Imagine It, I had to go observe a lesson and the students worked on their second quarter writing. They had to write about a time they forgot something and how they handled the situation. It could have been forgetting an object or something on a test. They could write about anything. It had to be three paragraphs with 5-7 sentences in each paragraph. I will use this writing to compare to the beginning of the year and the first quarter. This will tell me if they are making progress with the writing process through journaling.

Almost everyone has made their AR goal. Most of the students only have a few books left to make their goals. Tomorrow is the last day to make goals. Encourage your child to read, read, read!!

In science, we looked at the phases of the moon and discussed how the moon is in the shape of a sphere. We discussed how it never actually changes shapes, it just looks like it does. We looked at how the moon reflects the sun's light. We also discussed why it would be impossible for us to live on the moon without specialized equipment. We practice figuring out how to know whether or not a moon was WAXING (getting bigger) or waning (getting smaller). Ask your child to show you how we remember which one is which.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Moon Seems to Change!

Today's morning journal was: What do you think the world will be like when you grow up? I know that if I look at the movie Back to the Future I am supposed to be driving around in a flying car and we are all supposed to be floating on hover crafts. The students came up with some really creative ideas and some very practical ones. Ask your child what they said in today's morning journal.

On our morning math, we had greater than and less than problems, subtraction with re-grouping, kilograms, and place value. Many of the students are still struggling with subtraction with re-grouping. Please practice this concept at home with your child.

Today was a day three, so we had double specials. The class had media and then our favorite special PE!

In Imagine It we read "The Moon seems to Change". After reading this story, some of the students realized that they had a lot of misconceptions about how the phases of the moon are formed. We practiced making connections to our story and summarizing what we have read. We will continue our study of the phases of the moon in both Imagine It and science tomorrow.

In math, we reviewed: point, line, line segment, ray, parallel, perpendicular, intersecting. We completed our flip books and the students brought them home tonight to study for a quiz on these concepts tomorrow. I introduced right, acute, and obtuse angles. A right angle measures exactly 90 degrees. An acute angle measures less than 90 degrees. An obtuse angle measures more than 90 degrees. We played a "Simon Says" game with our three angles, so the students could practice these concepts.

Please start looking at the moon outside when you have the chance and ask your child which phase is showing that day. Today it is a waning crescent. We could see it early this morning!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

365 and 1/4 days!

Today's morning journal was: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that there would be no more segregation. What is your dream for our world and why? All morning journals must be written in eight complete sentences with good details. For our morning math we had place value, subtraction with regrouping, putting numbers in order, place value blocks up to the 1000's place, patterns with numbers, and elapsed time. Start practicing elapsed time with your child at home by having them tell you how much time elapses between them starting and stopping their homework. Or you can give them an amount of time to do something and ask them what time they need to be finished by.

We did not have specials today and we took a timed multiplication test. Mrs. Zancanaro came in and taught the students a lesson on debate. In the new Common Core Standards, the students will have to learn how to present an argument and back it up with facts. Today, they had to argue whether or not they thought cursive writing should still be taught in schools. They had to use the article to try to figure out a reason for why they believed what they did. The students are very good a stating their opinions, but they still struggle with the why behind their argument. We will continue to work on this strategy, so they can be prepared for the upcoming Common Core Standards.

In math, we identified a point, line, line segment, ray, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and intersecting lines. We played a game where the students had to find a person that matched up with either the name or the picture of their concept. After the second round, they were partnered up with that person to create a flip book of the terms, definitions, and pictures.

In Imagine It, we looked at adding -ity and -less to the ends of words. We previewed our story "The Moon Seems to Change" by looking at the clues, problems, and wonderings. We also did a picture walk of our story and looked at how much the pictures are going to help us with our story. We will continue this story through next week in conjunction with our science unit.

The third quarter ends this Friday and so will our chance to make our third quarter AR goals. Ask your child if they have made their goal. If not, read an AR book with them each night and have them come in the next day and take a quiz.

In science, we looked at how the Earth's rotation creates day and night and the Earth's revolution creates the season's of the year. The students could not believe that a year is actually 365 and 1/4 days. I explained to them that they take that 1/4 day and every four years is a leap year and we have an extra day in February. It just so happens that this year is a leap year, so they will get to discuss and understand the way it works.

Friday, January 13, 2012

What's the point?

For morning journal today the students wrote about, "Friday the 13th is known as an unlucky day. Why do you think this is an unlucky day?" Today we took our morning math test and I think a few students had an awakening. All of the concepts that were on our test were review and many students did not do very well on this test. We went over the test and corrected our answers. This test should be coming home today with your child.

In art today the students learned how to make snowflakes.

During math we learned about a point, line, line segment, and ray. Ask your child to draw you examples of each and label them. Have them start finding these geometric things in the environment around them.

It was very cold outside today during physical activity. Please have your child wear an appropriate winter coat (a hoodie or sweatshirt does not keep them warm), hat, gloves, and scarf. We only stay inside if if is raining or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

We took our test on Grandmother Spider Brings the Sun and worked to un-pack the questions as a class. The students are required to prove their answers by looking back in the text. This is a very important skill for the EOGs at the end of the year. I always tell them that the best resource they have to answer questions is the story or passage. Please have them practice this strategy each week on their homework.

We got a special treat today during science! We had some yummy cupcakes for a classmates birthday. Thank you!

Please remember there is no school on Monday!! See you Tuesday.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What is a polygon?

For our morning journal this morning the students responded to, "If you could be famous for anything, what would you be famous for and why would you choose that?" On morning math we looked at creating a bar graph, estimating sums, place value, and multi-step addition and subtraction problem.

We did not have specials today, so we began our science shadow experiment. We went outside to the bus parking lot and had a student stand in the middle of the class and we traced her shadow. We looked at the direction of the sun and how her shadow formed from her body. We also measured the shadow. We did this two more times throughout the day and analyzed our results. We read our new Time for Kids about the upcoming election and focused on Martin Luther King Jr. day. Tomorrow and Tuesday we will look more into the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and everything he did for our country.

Today we learned the three rules for polygons. Rule #1: MUST have straight lines. Rule #2: MUST be closed. Rule #3: NO curves. We practiced looking at some examples and some non-examples of polygons. The students were able to figure out the rules on their own! Everyone played a game with polygons on (an excellent review site that covers all of our concepts) and practiced the concepts in their book.

We looked at more aspects of our story this week by sequencing events from the story using our time order words, characterization, author's purpose, and inferencing. The students continued to add to their own folktales and will finish this story over the next week.

We continued our shadow experiment and the students discovered that the shadows moved around like the hands on a clock. We saw how the higher the sun was in the sky, the shorter our shadow. Tomorrow, we will place a pencil on a sheet of paper and track the movement of the sun, every hour of the day. This will allow us to see just how the Earth moves throughout the day.

Tomorrow we will take the morning math test, Imagine It test, and our timed multiplication test. Please look for all of these to come home in Friday Folders. The coordinate grids and light tests will also come home in their Friday Folders.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rain, rain go away!

We are tired of being cooped up inside! We want to get out and play. That was the statement made today by many students.

Today's morning journal was, "If I were president, I would...". I got some really interesting answers from this one. Some students would let us do anything we wanted and there would never be any more school. Sounds like a scary world to me. On morning math we put numbers in order from greatest to least, changed numbers from word to standard form, subtracted with re-grouping, and looking at how much something weighs on a scale.

During math, we reviewed over our homework from last night and then took our test on coordinate points. Almost every student passed this test! Look for these scores in your child's Friday Folder.

In Imagine It, we discussed how to make an inference in a story. We took the clues from the text+our own knowledge=inferences. The students are also writing their own folktales. Each folktale must teach a moral or lesson to the other students. They must use animals that have very interesting characteristics, similar to those in our story this week. Today, we brainstormed a title, beginning, middle, and end of story. Tomorrow we will begin writing our story with details.

In science, we were going to do a shadow experiment, but of course it rained all day. We took our test on light and then watched a short video on shadows which all the students loved! Hopefully it will dry up tomorrow and the sun will shine for us to complete our experiment.

So I will end the way we started, "Rain, rain go away."

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Let there be light!!

Today's morning journal was if I could be any animal what would I be and why? On our morning math we had a very complicated pattern problem, addition and subtraction fact family, telling time to the five minute (please review telling time with your child), and an addition problem.

During science lab today, the students completed an experiment called the bending pencil. I know we all remember this one! You place the pencil in a cup of water and it looks like the pencil has been bent in half. All due to light!

In math we reviewed coordinate grids and which one is the x and y-axis. We pretended that we were going on an egg hunt and had to place eggs at a certain ordered pair. I taught the students how to move around on a coordinate grid either right, left, up, or down. We also discussed that they may use the directions north, south, east, or west. We practiced moving around the coordinate grid and counting our steps by doing "bunny hops". We will have a test on coordinate grids tomorrow after a short review.

Ask your child what they are learning in their work shop groups. All of our students are doing such wonderful things in their groups and creating some great projects.

During Imagine It we finished reading "Grandmother Spider Brings the Sun". We focused on making predictions and making connections. All of the students completed a t-chart where they had to find a sentence in the story and then make a connection to that sentence. They had to complete five in their reading journals. I sent them home with their Imagine It books to re-read the story. Ask your child to stop and make a prediction, then have them either confirm or deny their prediction. Make them explain why their prediction was either right or wrong.

In science today we studied light and the different characteristics of light. We looked at four types of light: flashlight, candle, lamp, and sunlight. After the students observed the different kinds of light, they wrote down the characteristics of each type. We discussed each type of light and its characteristics. We focused on how light reflects off of objects and that is the only reason we can see everything around us. Tomorrow we will look at our shadows and how it moves throughout the day.

Make sure your child is studying their multiplication flash cards every night!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Coordinate Grids!!

Today's morning journal was, "If I were a snowflake I would...". On our morning math we practiced the value of numbers, adding three-digit numbers with re-grouping, polygons, and subtracting. Many of the students struggled with polygons, I will be formally teaching this later in the week.

We had double specials today! First, the students went to media and got to check out some new books. Don't forget to ask your children some of the strategy questions located in the FROG binder. Then, they went to PE and played a game that got them hot and sweaty.

After physical activity, we look at adding the suffixes -ful and -able to words. We discussed how it changes the words and gave examples of our new words in sentences. Our reading skills this week are predicting and making connections. When we make predictions while reading a story, we are making an educated guess from the clues in the text. As you continue reading, you need to either confirm or deny your prediction and then say why. There are three types of connections you can make to a story: 1. Text to Self 2. Text to World 3. Text to Text. Ask your child to try and make connections as they read a story to you at home. We read the first part of our story "Grandmother Spider Gets the Sun". This is a folktale and tells how many different animals got their characteristics and how we got day and night. We discussed how the Native Americans created these stories to explain different occurrences in the world.

During math I introduced Coordinate Grids. When looking at an ordered pair you always find the x-axis first and then the y-axis. I explained to the students that first they need to crawl and then they need to climb. An ordered pair looks like this: (x,y). The x-axis is on the bottom (horizontal) and the y-axis goes up and down (vertical). We practiced finding ordered pairs and labeling them on a coordinate grid. The homework that was sent home tonight has some great examples on it.

Tomorrow, we will work on moving through directions and going from one ordered pair to another on a coordinate grid. The test will be on Wednesday.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh no! The SMART Board!

The SMART Board finally gave out on us today. The bulb has been threatening to go out for a couple of weeks and it finally gave up. I have already put in an order for it to be fixed, so hopefully it won't be to long before it is up and running. It is back to the old school for my classroom and we will be using chart paper for our board.

This morning's journal was about your favorite sport on wheels. Are you a skateboarder, biker, roller skater, etc? We had some very challenging problems on our morning math, with two multi-step problems, place value, and a picto-graph problem. We will have our weekly morning math test tomorrow.

During math, we reviewed for our multiplication and division test. I gave the students examples that are just like the problems on the test to solve in their math journals. All of the students brought their math journals home as a study guide. We will take our test tomorrow. I will walk the students through un-packing the questions and they will solve them on their own.

During Imagine It, we reviewed for our test tomorrow and focused on drawing conclusions. We practiced taking clues from the text, putting it with our own knowledge, and then drawing a conclusion. All of the students took the AR test on Sun and everyone got either a 90 or 100. Almost everyone has made their goals. We have exactly two weeks from tomorrow to make AR goals.

During science, we were going to watch a video about light as an introduction to the sun, but as soon as I got it on, the SMART board went black. Instead, I read a book about light and how it is made by electricity and the students wrote ten facts they learned from the story. Tomorrow, we will complete a lab with different kinds of light and compare how they are alike and different.

Thank goodness it will be Friday!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Half-Way There!

Some of the students couldn't believe it was already Wednesday! They said the week had move by very quickly. This morning when they came into the room they wrote about different ways they can impact the environment in a positive way. On our morning math sheet, we looked at three-digit addition, patterns, and place value. We do not have specials on day 6 so today we took our bi-weekly reading formative test. The students did really well on this test and I was proud of them.

During math, we went over our math homework from last night and made sure everyone understood the concepts. We completed our daily SOLVE problem and talked about why we use multiplication instead of addition and how to determine if a problem is multiplication or addition. Ask your child to try and tell you the difference on a given problem! Our math test has been moved to Friday. I sent home a study guide today, but there will not be Order of Operations on the test.

During Imagine It we looked more in depth at adjusting our reading speed and why we would need to do this when reading an expository text. We also had a concept web contest! The students had to create a concept web about the sun and the student with the most correct concepts won a lunch with me in the teacher's lounge. During phonics we looked at putting -tion and -ment on the ends of words and how it changes the word. We created sentences using these words.

During AR, we read a book about Kwanzaa and discussed the different principles of Kwanzaa and how we can apply them to our own lives. All of the students took an AR test and everyone got a 90 or 100! Almost everyone in our class has made their AR goal!

During Science, we finished our KWHL charts for Sun, Moon, and Stars by filling in the Know and Want to Know sections. Tomorrow, we will look at how light is created in many different ways.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Brrr!!! It's cold out there!

This was the comment from every child as they entered the classroom today. I was glad to see almost everyone back today at school. We had a fun day as we entered the exciting world of sun, moon, and stars.

As the students entered they completed the morning journal of: If you have won an award, what was it and why did you win the award? If you haven't won an award, what award would you like to win and why? It was wonderful to read how many of our children have won awards. We completed day two on our morning math sheet. This covered finding the missing number in an addition equation, counting and subtracting money, place value blocks with regrouping, and adding.

During math, we learned how to solve a division problem using repeated subtraction. For example if you are dividing 12/3=, you would start with 12-3=9, 9-3=6, 6-3=3, 3-3=0. Count how many times you subtracted three and that is the answer. So 12/3=4. We also checked our answer by multiplying 4x3=12. The students practiced using this strategy at their seats and some of them got to go on the computer to work on their multiplication facts. Tomorrow we will play a multiplication and division review game for our test on Friday.

During Imagine It, we learned that when you put -ly on a word it becomes an adverb and when you put -y on the end of a noun it becomes an adjective. We previewed our story "Sun" and worked on adjusting our reading speed, clarifying, and asking good questions. The students are going to read the story "Sun" tonight for homework.

During Science, I read "Papa, please get the moon for me" by. Eric Carle. It was such a class favorite, that I ended up reading it twice. All of the students in the class took an AR test on the book, and everyone got 100!! The students created a KWHL chart for sun, moon, and stars. The K stands for Knowing, the W for Want to Know, the H for How you want to learn it, and the L for what you Learned. We will finish the KWHL chart tomorrow before beginning our study of light.

Thanks for another great day and stay warm!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Where were you?!

That is the big question from our class today! We only had fourteen students at school today, but we had a blast with our learning. The students began the day writing a morning journal about, "What was the best thing you did over the holiday break?" (Please remember if your child is out, they are still responsible for the morning journals they missed.) We then completed morning math day one which reviewed over place value, value of numbers, adding and subtracting money, three digit addition, and patterns.

During math we completed a SOLVE problem which had us divide 54/6. We drew out six groups and then divided out the fifty-four things into the groups. We found out that there were nine in one group, so 54/6=9. We checked our answer by multiplying 9x6-54. We discuss every day that multiplication and division are the opposite of each other and they create a fact family. We then played multiplication BINGO, to practice our multiplication facts. We had two winners and they received a piece of candy and NO laps at recess.

During Imagine It, I introduced the Sun, Moon, and Stars unit and read the story Galileo's Journal. This is an historical fiction (ask your child about this genre) story and the students really enjoyed learning about the first telescope was invented. I always enjoy reading this story to the students, because they are so shocked that people did not understand how outer space worked. We practiced clarifying things we did not understand in the story. Ask your child to help you clarify something as you read with them tonight.

Today the students participated in a "Gallery Walk". They walked through the halls and wrote positive comments on other student's heritage projects. Everyone enjoyed seeing how all of the projects were created and so different! I will be recording the students doing their presentations over the next few days and then we will watch the video together as a class.

Tonight for homework they had one math sheet, that had a review of multiplication and division concepts. They need to read 30 minutes and study their multiplication flash cards.

See you tomorrow!