For morning journal today the students wrote about, "Friday the 13th is known as an unlucky day. Why do you think this is an unlucky day?" Today we took our morning math test and I think a few students had an awakening. All of the concepts that were on our test were review and many students did not do very well on this test. We went over the test and corrected our answers. This test should be coming home today with your child.
In art today the students learned how to make snowflakes.
During math we learned about a point, line, line segment, and ray. Ask your child to draw you examples of each and label them. Have them start finding these geometric things in the environment around them.
It was very cold outside today during physical activity. Please have your child wear an appropriate winter coat (a hoodie or sweatshirt does not keep them warm), hat, gloves, and scarf. We only stay inside if if is raining or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
We took our test on Grandmother Spider Brings the Sun and worked to un-pack the questions as a class. The students are required to prove their answers by looking back in the text. This is a very important skill for the EOGs at the end of the year. I always tell them that the best resource they have to answer questions is the story or passage. Please have them practice this strategy each week on their homework.
We got a special treat today during science! We had some yummy cupcakes for a classmates birthday. Thank you!
Please remember there is no school on Monday!! See you Tuesday.
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