We are tired of being cooped up inside! We want to get out and play. That was the statement made today by many students.
Today's morning journal was, "If I were president, I would...". I got some really interesting answers from this one. Some students would let us do anything we wanted and there would never be any more school. Sounds like a scary world to me. On morning math we put numbers in order from greatest to least, changed numbers from word to standard form, subtracted with re-grouping, and looking at how much something weighs on a scale.
During math, we reviewed over our homework from last night and then took our test on coordinate points. Almost every student passed this test! Look for these scores in your child's Friday Folder.
In Imagine It, we discussed how to make an inference in a story. We took the clues from the text+our own knowledge=inferences. The students are also writing their own folktales. Each folktale must teach a moral or lesson to the other students. They must use animals that have very interesting characteristics, similar to those in our story this week. Today, we brainstormed a title, beginning, middle, and end of story. Tomorrow we will begin writing our story with details.
In science, we were going to do a shadow experiment, but of course it rained all day. We took our test on light and then watched a short video on shadows which all the students loved! Hopefully it will dry up tomorrow and the sun will shine for us to complete our experiment.
So I will end the way we started, "Rain, rain go away."
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